Hawkins Animal Hospital and Wellness Center © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Animal Reiki & Aromatherapy

An integrative approach to your animals health and healing

            We are living in exciting times in the world of veterinary medicine. Our pets are living longer due to the vast array and modalities that come with preventative care. We know more about vaccinations, recommend veterinary approved diets, and tailor the best possible care plans for your pet. It is important to note, however, that even with all the advances the field has made, there are still many patients that would benefit from “non traditional” therapies.  I have been practicing veterinary medicine on Long Island for the past 9 years, and have been trained at some of the best facilities.  About a year and a half ago, I began seeing a trend. This trend was first seen in animals with anxiety, pain or chronic diseases that didn’t seem to respond to traditional therapy the way we had hoped.  I also came across owners who were reluctant (financially, emotionally, or both) to proceed with certain treatments and/or medications. At that point I knew there had to be something more I could do to try and give my patients some comfort, and to aid in their healing however I could. 

            Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese technique that aids in stress reduction and relaxation. This technique is based on the application of Universal life force energy. Reiki balances the body’s energy, by not only treating symptoms, but by treating the body spiritually, emotionally, and physically. This is so critical in the field of veterinary medicine because so many of our patients are carrying emotional, as well as physical wounds that require healing.  Reiki is an amazing an exciting modality that is being used for patients with anxiety, aggression, and chronic pain/disease.

            Please inquire at the front desk to make an appointment/consultation with Dr. Howe